Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Prayers from 3/12/2008

1. Be Punctual
2. Have my film and photography portfolio ready by June
3. Be healthy and strom and fit, trim
4. My thoughts will become clearer and I will be able to express myself and communicate efficiently.
5. I will overcome all my insecurities.
6. I will not have any airs about myself.
7. I will not waste time, nor be undecided - make quick, smart decisions and save time and use every moment efficiently.
8. Overcome - Ego, power struggle, bad temper, fundamental darkness, impatience, doubt, ill-health, negative karma, health karma, relationship karma, work karma
9. I will practice, study and chant consistently.
10. I will win everything I take part in.
11. Take responsibility for all that is happening around and improve the situation through faith.
12. I will manage to juggle a lot of things and find time for all the various things I need to do and want to do. In doing so, I will serve as an example of a Boddhisattva for everyone.
13. The members of the SGI will flourish in the fields they are involved in and stand as examples to encourage others to take up the practice and achieve happiness and enlightenment and serve as examples for others and become model SGI leaders.
14. Overcome all obstacles through faith and show others how it can be.
15. Adu da's (my cousin brother) business will take off very well.

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